Saturday, August 2, 2014

Last week of July!!

Hobak having a nap:-)
Having coffee with a friend!
We have had such a beautiful week....clear skies and really hot!
Huge spiders the size of Kylie's hand on a hike on Lantau Island!
A huge stick bug on the hike!!
Just showing us that he could bite if he wanted to...Ha! Thankfully he has self control:-)
On a hike to some infinity pools near Tai O. 
Rachel did really well as it took about 1 1/2 hours to walk up and 1 1/2 hours to walk back.  

Taking a much needed water break.  This section was pretty steep up hill!

We finally made it!!

The water was pretty deep in the middle....none of us could touch and it was pretty cold.  
Getting ready for a snack:-)
Above the infinity pool was a big waterfall. 

At the edge.....
We decided to wear our bathing suits on the way down as it was so hot:-)
Walking through Tai O village to start the hike.
It really was beautiful scenery!!
And the last stretch!!
Eating an Elsa cupcake at Disneyland:-)

 Some lego that I picked up from a lady on asiaxpat.  There are some very generous people!!
Hobak getting ready to go home with his family!!

This has been a fun week and we are enjoying Hong Kong! It is August already but thankfully we have 2 more weeks of holidays.   
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.
Psalm 119:2 (Read all of Psalm 119)
New International Version

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