Sunday, August 10, 2014

Our new addition.....Happy the cat!!

 So we decided to get a cat:-)

Happy loves cuddles and we have enjoyed having her. 

I spent some time in the classroom this week:-) The more time I am there the more I realize how much I have to do!!

Day at Discovery Bay.

We could see Disney and Central from the DB pier!!
Getting some treasure:-)
Getting a balloon bow and arrow from the DB hotel. 

Watch out for those crocs Rachel!!

More Frozen stuff for Rachel's birthday:-)

Getting stuck in the sand!
Mermaid Rachel with her friend Amaya!
Nap time on the balcony!
Settlers night with the guys!

This has been a great week of catching up with friends.  We had our children's pastor over on Monday, Kylie met up with a few friends on Tuesday, I met up with Jamila on Wednesday and today Kylie had a Settlers night while Rachel and I hung out with friends.  This has been a great last week of holidays!! It is still hard to imagine that we start work on Wednesday....Yikes!!

Some quotes from Rachel this week:
1.  Dad....IF you had hair...what kind of clip would you like? 
2. Mom,  I think I am going to retire from school:-)
3.  Rachel informed me this week that she is going to move back to Canada when she is 16, buy a house, get 10 cats, not get married and live off of $100 that we will send to her yearly.  I am so glad to know that she is ambitious!!!
4. And finally.....Rachel told me that she is going to tell her teacher that she doesn't need to learn Math in school because she knows it all already:-)

Have a great week!
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.
Mark 13:11 (Read all of Mark 13)
New International Version

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