Saturday, September 28, 2013

Birthday Party and Cricket Club

 Cricket Club on Friday after Sparkle!
 Happy Birthday Tobias and Kenny!

Ready to swim:-)
 How many people can we get on the slide:-)
 Rachel had a blast playing with her friends at the spray park!
This slide was definitely a hit:-)

This was a short week for us and we are very excited for 2 more short weeks coming up!! Got to love Hong Kong and their holidays:-) I just bought some pumpkin and can't wait to make pumpkin pie this week.  Since we won't be here for Thanksgiving....we decided to have pie early. So excited!
Have a great week!
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

"But what about you?" Jesus asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ."
Mark 8:29

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mid Autumn Festival!

 Typhoon Usagi is heading right for Hong Kong!! We've stocked up on food and plan to stay indoors for a few days:-)
 Celebrating Mid Autumn Festival in Sha Tin with Darsie, Jeremy, Janessa, Zoe and Kenny!
 The kids got these lanterns given to them at the festival!
 Having Dim Sum with Winnie, Sam and Luke.  We all enjoyed ourselves!
 Celebrating with Leslie and Brian at their baby shower!
 These were the party favors!! This was by far the most amazing shower I've ever been to:-)
 Geeta, Leslie and me.....good friends!!
 Dress up at the Heritage Museum

Kylie, Rachel and I were very happy to have a long weekend.  Thursday was the start of the Mid Autumn of my favorite Chinese holidays!  Rachel really enjoyed running around the parks with lanterns and glow sticks.  We are now getting ready for a Super Typhoon to hit Hong Kong. They predict it will be a big one and so we have stocked up our cupboards and fridge with yummy food.  Please pray that everyone stays safe as it looks to be heading right for us! 
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."
Revelation 1:8

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My 32nd Birthday!

Celebrating the Passover at Sunday School!
 First Basketball game of the year! 
 We also celebrated my birthday at church.  The kids liked eating the cake:-)
 Sunday School Family picture....we talked about how we are part of God's family. Today we had a small group!!
 Kylie's team played 2 basketball games this week. They won both!!
 Friend gathering at the Heritage Museum!

This has been a fun week for Kylie, Rachel and I.  It was extra special for me because I am celebrating my birthday today.  Kylie made me breakfast, I taught a fun lesson at Sunday School, I had a Sparkle meeting and Kylie and I plan to watch a movie and eat junk food this evening. It is also a special week because Kylie bought me a trip to Macau (for my birthday) in October to stay at a very nice hotel. I am really looking forward to it.   What a great birthday!!
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lots of parties!

 Rider party:-)

 Baby Shower:-)
Greeting team at church on Sunday:-)

This has been a good week for us.  We paid off our students loans!! Kylie and I are so very thrilled about this, of course, and even went out for a celebratory supper on Saturday night.  One of my friends is having a baby this month and the 'Sparkle Team' decided to throw her a party.  I love the cupcake idea that I got online! Kylie figures that it is women's humour:-)
And finally, this week marked our first greeting experience at church.  We greeted with a bunch of other wonderful families and had a great time.  The Vine started a family greeting Sunday where the kids help serve.  It took Rachel a bit to get into welcoming everyone.....but she loved passing out the offering baskets:-)
Have a great week!
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

September Birthdays 
September 8th - Happy Birthday Raema
September 12th - Happy Birthday Adam
September 14th - Happy Birthday Kristin
September 17th - Happy Birthday Aunty Alison
September 18th - Happy Birthday Cayleigh
September 19th - Happy Birthday Luke
September 20th - Happy Birthday Phil
September 23rd - Happy Birthday Todd

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 John 4:10

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sparkle Kickoff and Sunday School!

 We had 21 families come this week to Sparkle.  It was a busy morning!
 Love the parachute!
 Playing the tambourines with her leg.  We have a talented little girl!
 Eating sausage buns that Rachel and I made with her Sparkle friends!
Kylie's Sunday school class this week!

For the next couple of months (at least) I will only be posting about 1 or 2 special events for the week. 
This week marked the start of our first Sparkle for the year.  We had a great turnout and we loved being able to spend some time with our Sparkle friends.  It was a busy morning and all of the leaders felt a bit overwhelmed:-) But we have 3 new full time leaders joining our team and that is VERY exciting for us!! 
Kylie and I spent a bit of time this week preparing for Sunday school.  Kylie taught the Messengers group (ages 7-9) and I taught Bubbles (ages 3-5)
Kylie made masks in his class and the kids had a great time designing them.  He was talking about how God can use anyone to rescue Moses.  He has really enjoyed getting involved!
Have a great week!
Lots of love, 
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10