Sunday, September 15, 2013

My 32nd Birthday!

Celebrating the Passover at Sunday School!
 First Basketball game of the year! 
 We also celebrated my birthday at church.  The kids liked eating the cake:-)
 Sunday School Family picture....we talked about how we are part of God's family. Today we had a small group!!
 Kylie's team played 2 basketball games this week. They won both!!
 Friend gathering at the Heritage Museum!

This has been a fun week for Kylie, Rachel and I.  It was extra special for me because I am celebrating my birthday today.  Kylie made me breakfast, I taught a fun lesson at Sunday School, I had a Sparkle meeting and Kylie and I plan to watch a movie and eat junk food this evening. It is also a special week because Kylie bought me a trip to Macau (for my birthday) in October to stay at a very nice hotel. I am really looking forward to it.   What a great birthday!!
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY birthday!!! 32 has been a good age so far :o) I think you will like it.... :o)
