Saturday, November 30, 2013

Week # 7 of school

Having a Grey Cup party at home:-) Face paint is a must on these occasions!
Go Riders!
The Riders won and we were very excited!!
Celebrating American Thanksgiving at the Kong's!
Rachel and her great friends Annika and Leila. 
It really was a fun time:-)
Watching Kylie coach basketball:-)
Visiting Leslie and baby Chace.  Such a sweet little baby:-)
I love holding little babies:-)
Rachel liked the rabbit, Belle.  We might be babysitting this little one over Christmas:-)
Digging for chocolate chips in Science class:-)

Sparkle mom's night out.....such a great feast!!
Clothes to exchange!
 Playing with Abigail and India at Sparkle!
 New Sparkle friends!
Kylie has a new toy.  It is his Christmas present and I think Rachel enjoys it almost as much!!

This has been a great week and we have been enjoying the awesome weather and fun festivities. It is hard to believe that there are only 3 more weeks of school before the holidays.  We have a lot of fun things planned this month and we are looking forward them all:-) Happy December!!
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. ... By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
Hebrews 11:1,3

Birthdays and Anniversaries for the month:
December 3rd - Happy Birthday Uncle Myron
December 5th - Happy Birthday Grandma Herperger
December 6th - Happy Birthday Rebecca
December 11th - Happy Birthday Kyra
December 18th - Happy Anniversary Ryan and Jill
December 20 - Happy Birthday Leanne
December 24th - Happy Birthday Kent

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week # 6 of School

 Sparkle morning out at the cricket club!
 Having a picnic!
 The kids hiding under the blanket:-)  I wonder if we can find them?
 Disneyland on a well deserved Monday off!!

Rachel wanted to wear the tree skirt:-)
 On a Mong Kok adventure!!
 Decorating the Christmas tree!
 Picking out the best tree!!
 Helping Kylie with the lights:-)
Our house is decorated for Christmas!! I love having a real tree!!

This has been a great week.  The weather has been beautiful and we have had a lot of fun.  It is hard to believe that December is just around the corner.  We are really looking forward to Christmas holidays!
Go Riders:-)
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week # 5 of school

 Color day at school!!
Specialty teachers got to wear orange:-)
 Some of Rachel's school work.  I LOVE Kylie's hair in this picture:-)
 Rachel's self portrait!

 Another class birthday!!

Panorama of chapel on the pier!
 Grade 4 camp in Sai Kung:-)
 This was the first year that Rachel and I stayed over night at camp. It was so much fun!!
 Checking out the moon at the observatory!
 Late night games:-)
 Kylie loved the kid in the back row with the yellow shirt.  He got SO excited about the game.
 Bedtime stories at camp:-)
 First time sleeping on the top of a bunkbed!!
 Rachel and India at Sparkle.  I love this picture:-)

Kylie, Rachel and I had a great week!  Kylie was at camp and thankfully they only had 1 day of rain so nothing major was cancelled.  Rachel and I went out on Thursday to stay the night and enjoy some of the camp festivities.  Rachel loved it and can't wait to go back:-)

Lots of love,
Kylie, Jocelyn and Rachel

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105